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What You Sow, You Shall Reap - Sana Azeem

This is a story based upon a fox and a sarus crane. Once upon a time, there was a fox who used to go to this pond every day to drink water and over there, the fox met a bird. Whenever he used to visit the pond, he always used to ask the sarus crane if he is doing well sometimes before or after drinking water. One day, the fox called the sarus crane for a feast at his place. Sarus crane wore new clothes and shoes and reached at the fox place on time. As soon as he reached his place, he could smell a delicious scent.

As soon as he reached and felt this scent, he realized as if they were really good friends, Therefore he cooked really nice food. But when the fox presented food infront of sarus crane, he was astonished. Everything was in plain platters and it was more of curry.. Though fox enjoyed every bite of it but sarus crane couldn’t so he eventually realized that fox was trying to make fun out of everything.

As sarus crane was leaving, he insisted fox to come over at his for dinner. Though fox resfused but sarus crane insisted so eventually, he was up for it. The fox thought that sarus crane wouldn’t be as smarter than him. When fox was over at his place, sarus crane kept everything infront of him in such dishes that it was easier for sarus crane to eat but got difficult for the fox to even reach for the eatables. This day fox went home all empty stomach and couldn’t even say anything to sarus crane because he knew all about his actions and was guilty. So, this is a fact “ What you sow, You shall reap”

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